Frequently Asked Questions

InstaHard is a unique, 100% natural supplement, whose ingredients have been scientifically shown to help reverse the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction.

It’s not easy to source these ingredients in their purest and most potent forms, which is why they are so rare and difficult to find. However, Mangenics Nutrition spares no expense, doing everything top ensure that InstaHard improves as many lives as possible.

InstaHard is for men of all ages who want to improve their sexual performance, increase their stamina, and have harder erections that last longer.

The ingredients are proven to be effective and safe…

Which means no matter if you’re 30 or 90 years old…

This breakthrough can make a huge difference in your sex life.

While every guy is different, and therefore will experience results based on his unique situation…

Most men who use InstaHard report back noticing results within the first week of use.

However, many guys report that after extended use of InstaHard, the quality of erections they have get better…

As they’re able to last longer, go harder…

And experience heightened-nerve sensitivity, which makes sex more pleasurable.

The fist several times you have sex this may happen…

However the good news is that you’ll recover quite fast…

Many guys report back recovering within 30 minutes to an hour…

Which means you can go at it again for much longer.

And most guys say that after about a 6 weeks of use, they notice they’re able to last significantly longer.

After taking InstaHard, your desire will return with a vengeance…

But you don’t run the risk of extended erections that can damage your penis.

While the promise of “erections that last for more than 4 hours” makes for a very good marketing campaign…

The reality is that 4 hour erections can be permanently damaging to your penis, and can prevent future erections.

The good news is InstaHard simply restores the natural function of your penis by working on the cellular level to re-activate the “Penile Brain”…

And because it doesn’t contain any artificial chemicals (like what you get with big pharma’s blue pills)

It does not cause erections that can damage your manhood.

Just increasing blood flow to your genitals will make your penis bigger…

Or at least as big as it can be…

While InstaHard doesn’t promise to make your penis bigger than your genetics will allow…

It’s good to know that it definitely increases the odds that you’ll achieve your full penis size potential.

Because not only does it work to increase blood flow to your member…

It also works to re-activate the “Penile Brain”, which can maximize the amount of blood flow that flows into your penis…

Helping you achieve your fullest size potential.

You should take 2 capsules per day for at least 30 days.

If you really want the best results however, I recommend that you take InstaHard for at least a full 6 months.

The reason why is that the longer you take InstaHard…

The more time you give your “Penile Brain” to fully reawaken…

Helping you give your woman mind blowing orgasms for months and years to come.

I’m unsure…

My goal is that InstaHard becomes a household name…

But given how aggressively Big Pharma is trying to patent many of the these ingredients…

This product might become unavailable at any time.

InstaHard comes with a 180 day, 100% money back guarantee.

This means that after you get your bottles of InstaHard…

You have a full six months to see if it’s right for you.

Almost everyone who uses InstaHard reports that they love it…

But if for any reason your experience is different…

Simply call or email my customer service team 24/7…

And you’ll get a full refund of your investment with zero questions asked.

It’s easy! First click the button below. Then complete the secure checkout page.

Your order will be process and shipped within 48 hours and sent directly to your door in a discrete, unmarked package. So you will be the only person to ever know about InstaHard.

Restoring your manhood starts today with clicking the button below right now. We’re so excited for you to try InstaHard.

And remember this is an entirely risk-free investment because you’re covered by the 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Click the button below right now.